Sharon Black
Sharon Black, SAR’s Director of the ARTS & Enrichment leads SAR Academy’s Art, Music and Library and Gardening Departments as well as other Arts-related school programs. Sharon has conceived and launched SAR Academy’s GRAND Gallery, a cultural space for intergenerational workshops and events including a permanent SAR History Gallery and a rotating artist exhibits. She is author of The Wisdom of A Starry Night-Using the Power of Great Art for Self-Awareness published by Barnes & Noble Publishing and More Than Four Questions-Inviting Children’s Voices to the Seder published by Ben Yehuda Press. Sharon served as Editor-In-Chief of Tzaddik Magazine and its “Life Lessons” memoir columnist. She has published numerous educational articles including, “Equal Opportunity Excellence, Enrichment Education For All.” Sharon is mother of SAR alumni and grandmother to SAR students.
Noel Gussen
Noel Gussen is full time Art Teacher for grades 1-8 at SAR Academy. His studio stresses the fundamental elements of art while balancing a safe and non-judgmental environment open for experimentation and self-discovery. Noel was raised in multicultural Teaneck, NJ and thrived on its diversity. At an early age he expressed an interest for art and possessed a passion for drawing. He treasures the chance to travel; exploring new cultures. Noel has earned certificates in painting and drawing from Project Oren in Israel and received my BFA from West Virginia University. He is a former Lead Creative and the tri-state Regional Training Facilitator for Apple. His paintings have been exhibited in solo and group exhibitions in the United States and abroad, including “Gathering of the Minds” Morgantown, WV. “Ruach in the Golan” Israel. In 2012 Noel and his wife Sandra opened the 1st Digital Art studio teaching painting and drawing exclusively on the iPad. Noel has exhibited and curated over 30 exhibits representing 50 plus established and upcoming artists.
Dan Harlick
Dan Harelick is a full-time ceramic artist in Bronx, NY. His work has been exhibited at the NY State Museum in Albany and Lehman College Gallery, and has been featured at Artwalk NY. His commissioned pieces adorn tables and institutional collections around the globe. Dan creates work exuding minimalist functionality while adorned with uniquely cadenced graphics informed by a career in communication design spanning thirty plus years.